Historical Monastery of Dekoulos


The Dekoulos Monastery is something unique in the area of ​​Mani. It is located in the location of Karydi below the settlement of the Homeric Oitylus and directly above our complex Brazzo di Maina which, out of respect and based on the legislative framework of archeology, followed the architecture of the monastery.

The Monastery is three-storied, dedicated to Zoodochos Pigi, Agios Panteleimonas and Agios Nikolaos and is decorated with frescoes by Anagnostis Dimagellaia, from the year 1765. It was founded in the year 1765 by Bishop Mainis Daniel and his brother Protosygello Nikiforos, who were descendants of the Decoulou family, the Hellenized Florentine family of the Medici (Yatriani) when they left Constantinople and settled in the area. The woodcarvings also belong to the same period: the iconostasis, the Holy Altar box, a candlestick and a manual, excellent examples of ecclesiastical woodcarving

The founding date of the Monastery has not been thoroughly ascertained until today. But in an inscription of the Monastery it is pointed out that the Dekoulos Monastery was renovated in 1765.

The Monastery of Dekoulos has contributed to the historical course of Greece since in 1770 the historic treaty between the Maniats and the Orlofs was signed on the site of the Monastery, for the initiation of the revolution from Southern Greece, also known as Orlofika. The amphitheater view of the Monastery on mountains and sea fills you with tranquility and allows you to take deep breaths of oxygen and notes of aromatic herbs.

The monastery is located between the Castle of Kelefa with its impressive caves Jules Verne (which are claimed to have been used as watchtowers for pirates) are located below this historic castle and in the bay that stretches in the areas of Karavostasi, Tsippa (Neo Oitylo) and Limeni.

The Ephorate, with funding, undertook the task of preserving the wood-carved decoration of the catholicon of the Dekoulos monastery in Oitylo. The candlestick is on display today at the Pikoulaki Tower Museum in Areopolis, courtesy of Mrs. Eleni Dekoulou.

The gospel was a gift from Catherine the Great to the Monastery. He sent it with Orloff in 1770 (Orloff) together with the gold cross. The large icons of the iconostasis were painted by Ilias Kouloufakos from Kouskouni. It is characteristic that in some places where the later fresco has been damaged, the older one can be seen underneath.

Entering the Monastery, the visitor faces the wood-carved altarpiece which is carved in wood covered with plaster and covered with a gilded layer. Its relief carvings and elaborate representations such as vines, lions, flowers and others are impressive. Above the entrance of the Sanctuary, two Angels hold the image of Christ. The candlesticks of the iconostasis are hung by four doves and two others hang from very high as if descending from the sky.

To his left, the visitor sees representations of miracles of Christ as well as martyrdoms of some Saints, with perhaps the most important one depicting the Martyrdom of Saint Catherine.

To his right he also traces, in unique and exquisite frescoes, the course of man from his creation to the last effects of original sin. The western wall is covered by the Crucifixion and the Second Coming, which is Heaven on one side and Hell on the other.

In the center is placed the Scale of Justice, which weighs the good and bad deeds of people and punishes them accordingly.
Those with more good deeds go to Abraham's Bay while the rest enter the Fiery River and reach the Cauldrons of Hell.

If the visitor turns his eyes upwards, he will see the following rare fresco: the zodiac surrounding the image of Christ. Around the Zodiac is depicted a crowd with portraits. Beneath the benches of the western and northern sections dominate the representations of hell with the punishments that will be suffered by those who fall into sins.

Behind the Holy Altar there is the episcopal throne and under it two large snakes join, while the rarest fresco that dominates the sanctuary of the Monastery Church is of Melchizedem the Righteous.

Great Liturgy and endless feasting takes place on the day of Zoodochos Pigi. The visitor can see the monastery every day until the sun goes down without any charge after obtaining the key from the house next to the monastery, from the people who protect and take care of it.